OGVAN - Bharat's Organic Food Store

Namaste! Welcome to Ogvan, where our goal is to deliver the vibe of Original Bharatiya Jeevan style straight to your doorstep! Join us on a journey back to our OG Bharat’s roots, where we celebrate the natural bounty of our land. Explore our wide range of organically grown products and start your journey towards a better and healthier OG Bharatiya Jeevan Style today.

At Ogvan, we believe that the essence of OG Bharat’s Jeevan style  is deeply rooted in harmony with nature. Our forefathers prospered on a diet that was natural, pure and wholesome. They reaped the benefits of a Jeevan style that was in sync with the natural rhythms of the earth. 

We aim to rekindle this heritage of eating organic, natural food and deliver it to every home in fast paced Urban India. Our mission is not just to provide food but to inspire a way of life that honors our rich heritage.

What do we seek to achieve?

Back in the day, our forefathers enjoyed produce that was filled with natural deliciousness before chemicals found their way into our diet. 

Our vision is to revive the OG Bharat roots and combine them with the ease and accessibility of modern India to provide a better and healthier tomorrow for all of us. 

We believe the key to return to a healthier way of life is eating organic food that is free from the harmful effects of conventionally grown foods which are filled with chemicals.

We aim to create a world where organic food is accessible to all. Our goal is to make organic products accessible to everyone, irrespective of their location or economic status. By doing so, we hope to foster a community that values health, sustainability, and the environment. We envision a future where every meal is a celebration of natural flavors and nutritional goodness, much like it was in the days of our ancestors.

How do we do it?

Balance was essential for the OG Bharatiya jeevan style. Real, wholesome nutrient-dense meals that fed the body and the spirit—no fads here, just balanced diets. And that's just what we aim to provide: naturally grown, organic, healthy food that is as near to nature as possible. Our organic offerings are rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants that nourish your body from the inside out, fortify your immune system and provide sustained energy throughout the day.

Our products are sourced from organic farms which have been certified by the Government of India agencies. The Organic certifications have been provided by GOI across the country for domestic and International distribution. We collaborate closely with certified local organic farmers to make sure that each bite you eat is pure, filled with unadulterated goodness and free of any nasty stuff. 

We are proud to be #localforvocal and are focused on the growth of our local farmers who are the backbone of our nation. All our farmers have gone through the rigorous 3 to 5-year process to convert chemicalized farms into OG Bharatiya organic farms. By adhering to stringent organic farming practices, our farmers ensure that our produce is of the highest quality.

We follow a holistic approach. We believe that true health comes from a balanced lifestyle that includes physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Hence, we are dedicated to provide you food that satisfies your hunger and also nourishes your soul at the same time. Our farmers use traditional techniques combined with supervised modern organic farming practices to cultivate organic crops that are rich in nutrients and free from any harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Our vision for OG Bharat centers on a fusion of tradition and innovation.

What do we offer?

Every product at our organic grocery store, from fresh fruits and vegetables to pantry staples like grains and pulses, has been carefully chosen to provide you with the best that Mother Nature has to offer. We believe that what is good for you should also be good for the environment. Our organic produce is a safer and more sustainable choice for your family and the environment because it is free of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), and processing. 

At Ogvan, we're more than simply your average organic store. We are with you when you embrace the Jeevan style of the original Bharat, which is good for the environment and for you personally.

Additionally, organic dairy products from cows raised without the use of artificial hormones or antibiotics are available in our store. 

Every product comes with a comprehensive food label based on extensive laboratory testing, providing you with all of the information you need to make informed diet decisions.

We offer a wide range of products beyond the basics. Our selection of specialty items can enhance your culinary experience. Superfoods like millets and organic spices and herbs are a few good examples. We source our organic spices from regions known for their robust flavors and aromatic properties. In addition to adding flavor to your food, using these spices can provide you with numerous health benefits. Our cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar levels, and our turmeric is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

We also provide organic snack packs and meal kits for people who are always on the go but want to eat well. These products are ideal for those who want a quick and nutritious meal without having to spend hours preparing it. Our meal kits contain everything you need to whip up a nutritious and delicious meal in no time at all. Each kit is thoughtfully crafted to ensure that you receive a well-balanced meal that helps you achieve your health goals along with satiate your taste buds.

The Growth of Chemicalization of Bharat’s Food: How Did We Get Here?

In the 1950s, before the Green revolution set in and chemical residue crept into our food, eating pure and organic food was the norm. As chemicalization increased in our farms over the years, our food along with our farms was contaminated with chemicals and our ecosystem was destroyed. Organic production faded away. Animals vanished from our agriculture which in turn increased the use of chemical fertilizers. The pressure of monoculture increased the use of pesticides to protect the grain.

Growth of monoculture also meant that the balance of our diets suffered and tilted towards only carbs found in wheat and rice. We forgot about pulses, millets, and other grains which were an integral part of our OG Indian diet and provided us with multidimensional health benefits. These forgotten grains and legumes are not only high in fiber and protein but also rich in essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin B12, which is often lacking in conventional diets heavy in processed foods.

Speaking of processed food, in contemporary India they have emerged as a major cause of lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, and heart problems. These highly processed, high-calorie meals frequently lack natural nutrients and are packed with added sugars, harmful fats, and sodium, which can cause blood sugar abnormalities and weight gain. This shift has also led to a reduction in the consumption of foods that contain higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for heart and brain health.

This meant that natural organic food became a rarity and hence became too expensive. We want to start a movement with the help of you all and go back to the old normal where organic and natural food was readily available and inexpensive. 

Our aim is to make organic products accessible to everyone, just as they were to our ancestors.

The road to this point has been a long and difficult one. Although the Green Revolution addressed the immediate challenges of food security, it unintentionally created long-term health and environmental issues. In addition to harming biodiversity and deteriorating soil health, the extensive use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers has also led to a number of health problems for people. We want to address these problems and build a healthy future by emphasizing organic and sustainable farming practices.

How can YOU make a change?

When you choose to consume organic and locally grown food, you provide nourishment for your body and also support sustainable farming methods that place an emphasis on biodiversity, soil health and environmental preservation. Make a conscious decision by choosing Ogvan's organic products to lessen your exposure to dangerous chemicals and to help create a more environmentally friendly food ecosystem.

Farmers following organic farming practices work tirelessly to cultivate crops in a way that protects the ecosystem's natural balance. Our future generations can be assured that the land will remain productive and fertile thanks to our organic farmers' commitment and determination. Ogvan understands and ensures that their growth is pivotal to us achieving our health goals. 

Every time you make a purchase from Ogvan, you help a group of small-scale farmers who are committed to producing food in a responsible manner which maintains environmental harmony. Also, you send out a message to the broader agriculture sector that there is a demand in the market for responsibly grown, chemical free organic food. This could trigger broader changes in farming practices and food production systems at the top level, making organic food more accessible and inexpensive to all.

Furthermore, limiting your reliance on chemically cultivated produce helps to reduce the reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. As a result, agriculture will have a lower environmental impact and you will make a vital contribution to the preservation of our land's natural beauty. Sustainable organic agricultural practices not only benefit the environment, but they also improve the quality of the food we eat. Organic produce typically contains more nutrients and antioxidants than chemically grown non-organic vegetables, fruits and other products which make it a healthier choice for you and your family. 

The Path Forward

So, what's stopping you? Come grow with Ogvan and #pivotyourplate to create a better, more sustainable Bharat in the future! To get started on the route to OG Bharat, visit our website and add our chemical-free, natural products to your shopping cart.

As we look ahead, we remain committed to our aim of delivering high-quality, organically cultivated food to every household in Bharat. We intend to broaden our product offerings, strengthen our supply chain, and reach even more areas. Our objective is to make organic food the norm rather than an exception and we believe that with your help, we are in this together and we can surely do this.

Join us on our mission to restore the OG Bharatiya way of life, which prioritizes health, happiness, and harmony with nature. We can work together to create a better, healthier future for ourselves and future generations.

Let us make the transition to the healthier OG Bharatiya Jeevan lifestyle, one meal at a time. With Ogvan, you can be confident that you are making the best choice for your health, family, and the environment. Our dedication to quality, sustainability, and heritage means that every product you purchase contributes to a better tomorrow.

Embracing the Change

We know it might be intimidating to switch to an organic lifestyle, particularly when the market is filled with products grown and processed using chemicalized methods. However, every little bit helps. Include a small number of organic foods in your diet every day to ease into it, and then add more as you feel comfortable. Visit your local farmers' market to learn about fresh, organic produce and interact with the farmers who grow it.

Inform yourself and your family about the benefits of eating organic. If you want to know what's in the food you're eating, read the food labels attentively. Keep in mind that eating organic food means adopting our OG Bharat's Jeevan style to health, which emphasizes consuming wholesome and healthy foods and habits. 

Let's make THE change

If you're looking for a quick and healthy snack to power through the day or are planning a filling dinner for the family, Ogvan has everything you need. Each product you receive from us will adhere to a single criterion: it will be all natural and free of chemicals. If you're trying to lose weight but still want a healthy, nutrient-dense alternative to high calorie processed foods, our organic snack options and meals are perfect for you.

Let us combine the ease of urban India with the goodness of OG Bharat one delicious experience at a time to reach our health goals. Your health and the planet will reap the rewards of your decision to eat more organic foods. In addition to being devoid of potentially dangerous chemicals, organic foods often contain more nutrients than their chemically grown counterparts. This ensures that every bite is packed with more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Community is powerful, and we at Ogvan know it. By joining the OG Bharat Gang, you become a part of a movement that promotes health, sustainability, and tradition. We encourage you to share your experiences with our products, raise awareness about the benefits of organic living, and inspire others to make healthier choices. Together, we can create a ripple effect that transforms our food system and promotes a healthier, more sustainable way of life.

Join the OG Bharat Gang Now!

One small step is all it takes to make the switch to OG Bharatiya Jeevan style, the healthier lifestyle. Every step of the way, Ogvan is here for you. Helping you reach your health goals is our top priority, which is why we provide top-notch organic products and healthy living tips and recipes.

Become a member of the OG Bharat Gang and support sustainability, tradition, and health. We can work together to build a better future for ourselves and future generations.

So, take the first step today. Explore our extensive collection of organic products, add them to your cart, and begin your journey to a healthier, more sustainable OG Bharatiya Jeevan Style!